04 April 2007

Art and Ecology Lesson Plan

Exploring Naturalist Art and Ecology

Teacher: Emily Neubert

Grade Level: Middle School (Grades 5-8)

Title/Subject: Exploring Naturalist Art and Ecology


In this lesson, students will make connections between ecology and their own art making process. For naturalist artists, creating and sharing artwork that celebrates the beauty of their environment can also be a way to draw attention to the need to preserve that very environment.

By studying works by artists such as Ansel Adams, Andy Goldsworthy, Georgia O’Keefe, and John James Audubon, students will learn to experience and evaluate artwork from both an aesthetic and political/cultural standpoint. Additionally, a focus on collaborative group work echoes the necessity of cooperation to advance the goals of the ecology movement.

National Standards for Visual Arts

Content Standard #1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes
Content Standard #3: Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas
Content Standard #4: Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures
Content Standard #6: Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines

National Education Standards for Technology

1: Basic operations and concepts
2: Social, ethical, and human issues
3: Technology productivity tools
5: Technology research tools

Goal: To observe, study and document the unique natural features of our community.


Students will:
1. Become familiar with naturalist art and its connections to ecology.
2. Work collaboratively to document and identify natural objects.
3. Gain proficiency with the online program Google Earth.
4. Apply knowledge of the natural world to the art making process.
5. Develop and reinforce technical and observational drawing skills.

Resource Materials/Visual Aids

Samples of finished project
Teaching boards
Slides and books highlighting featured artists
Small natural objects for observation


Digital Camera
Computer with online access to Google Earth
Bristol paper 11” x 14”
Fine tip black markers
Colored pencils
Oil Pastels

Teacher Preparation

Instructor will prepare teaching boards, slide presentation, and presentation on Google Earth. Instructor will also create sample projects and gather a small collection of natural objects for students to study in the introduction to the lesson.


--Begin by discussion the relationship between art and ecology. Questions to be explored might include:
How do we define ecology? What about naturalism?
How might art and ecology interact?
How have some artists explored the connections between art and nature? (Ansel Adams, John James Audubon, Andy
Goldsworthy, Geogia O’Keefe, etc.)
Can art have an impact on our planet? How?
Do you think of your environment and community as art? Why or why not?

--After a brief lecture/slide presentation, use these points to generate small group discussion in groups of 3 or 4. Encourage
students to discuss these ideas in terms of their personal/lived experiences.

--Give a short overview of the project and its various components. Briefly introduce Google Earth, final project, media to be
used, etc.


Field Observation: Working in their small groups, students will spend time outside in their community observing and documenting features of nature, including plants, trees, flowers, insects, animals, landscapes, etc. Students should document their findings through note taking/journaling, sketching, and/or digital photography.

Back in the classroom, students will use the Internet to identify the items they observed in nature. Using Google Earth in their small groups, students can also learn more about their community and the general local environment. Groups will compile and print their findings to share with the rest of the class.

Based on their new in-depth understanding of natural objects and features, each student will choose one item from their notes to explore in a piece of art that echoes the naturalist style and perspective.

To create their naturalist drawing, students should focus on realism and use their notes, sketches and/or photos to help them.


First, each small group will give a brief, informal presentation to the rest of the class. Using their notes, sketches, photos, and Google Earth printouts, they will speak about their process and experience with the project. Then, each student will speak about her or his individual drawing and how it relates to their understanding of ecology art and naturalism. Finally, students will have an opportunity to discuss their ideas and opinions about the class’s body of work, with an overall emphasis on the successes of each piece.


Students will be assessed by their individual and group work:
Did the student work collaboratively with the other members of their group?
Did the student/group complete all assignments and turn in work on time?
Did the student follow directions?
Did the student participate in small group and class discussions?
Did the student speak articulately in critique, making connections between their work and the major themes of art and


Students who finish early can either work on another drawing based on their field observation, or can spend more time exploring Google Earth.

Time Budget

This project will be completed in 5 consecutive 45-minute classes as follows:

Class #1: Introduction
Class #2: Field Observation
Class #3: Google Earth Group Work
Class #4: Studio Time
Class #6: Finish Project, Class Critique


Artist/Naturalist--a person whose intelligence and sense of self is embedded in Nature, and who expresses that deep connection through making art. (from morning-earth.org)

Ecological Art Education--Education has the power to influence the way individuals think of themselves in relation to their environments. An ecological approach to art education explores the interdependency of individuals with all living organisms and ecosystems with environments that surround them. (from greenmuseum.org)

Safety Concerns



Morning Earth: Artist/Naturalists Past and Present


Audubon Naturalist Society


ArtCylcopedia: The Guide to Great Art on the Internet


Green Museum: Art & Ecology Homepage


Acorn Naturalists: Resources for the trail and classroom


ARTSEDGE: The National Standards for Arts Education


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